DH empty our food bucket that weight 17 pounds. The ground here was very wet yesterday and today it is very hard because our temperature is in the single digit. DH covered the rotting food with turf to keep the wild animals from eating it. We really don't mind then eating it but we figure that they will keep coming back when our garden is done in the spring. They might ruin our garden or worst eat everything we are going to grow there.
Hopefully with the cold weather they will not smell it. We probably have to dig a trench again to keep the water running in our garden. We don't know where the end will land but hoping away from the garden.
I am getting cold sitting in front of my pc right now. I think it's time to put a second pair of socks just about now. Tomorrow I am thinking about using our above ground pool to ice skate. What do your think? I think we might brake it with our ice skate and have a big block of ice in the backyard until spring. That would be so funny.
Is now located @ Chestnut Ridge Farms since October 2013. Five+ acres of land with one acre tillable for home grown vegetables. If luck permits, I can finally have chickens!
Frozen Or Wet
I don't we can do anything in my garden until the ground is dry and not covered with snow. That will be more likely sometimes in spring. We had some nice day, but that means the ground is still pretty soak in water. We may have to haul some dirt from the farm where we buy our raw milk to add to my raise beds for spring.
We also started saving food scraps to add as compose for it. I think we need to put it in a barrel to stop the animals for eating it. Now my kitchen is getting smaller with all this things that we are doing to be self sufficient (somewhat, just starting). Wish us luck!!!
We also started saving food scraps to add as compose for it. I think we need to put it in a barrel to stop the animals for eating it. Now my kitchen is getting smaller with all this things that we are doing to be self sufficient (somewhat, just starting). Wish us luck!!!
Top Card Droppers
In This Life of Ours
In My Kitchen
Product Reviews Von Mir
Everything Has a Reason
Fledgling Blogger
My GypsyGoods
Photography by KML
Thank you so much for keep coming back and dropping. You are all appreciated.
My Vegetable Garden Received an Award
Thanks to Rumpleteazer of Smallholdersdiary. It nice to be known by some people in blogosphere even though we don't actually know each other. Thank you so much.

Raise Beds
Right now we are trying to get prices on woods that we can put around our raise beds for the garden next spring. Our ground is just too wet and not enough vegetables grew this year. The first year we did our vegetable garden we did great because most of the water goes into our garage. This year we re-directed the water flow and it goes to where our garden is.
We are pricing the wood that is not treated with arsenic (sp?). I think it start with "L" but I can't seems to have the rest of it...lol. Anyway, soon or later I will get it. We will make it about 4 feet wide, so I can reach 2 feet from both side. We also have two canopies about 7 or 8 feet long to cover it to have an early start in spring.
A friend of ours sent us the videos of this family who grow organic vegetables in California in their 10th of an acre on raise beds. Interesting but I don't think we grow that much (6000 pounds) vegetable in a year. We are just trying to grow enough for our own use. If we can grow enough, now the problem will be "how to feed my kids what I grow". That would be an interesting battle...lol.
That's all for an update. I will not be posting much here until we do things in our garden. Wish me luck with the raise beds. I think I will like because I don't have to squat to weeds them.
We are pricing the wood that is not treated with arsenic (sp?). I think it start with "L" but I can't seems to have the rest of it...lol. Anyway, soon or later I will get it. We will make it about 4 feet wide, so I can reach 2 feet from both side. We also have two canopies about 7 or 8 feet long to cover it to have an early start in spring.
A friend of ours sent us the videos of this family who grow organic vegetables in California in their 10th of an acre on raise beds. Interesting but I don't think we grow that much (6000 pounds) vegetable in a year. We are just trying to grow enough for our own use. If we can grow enough, now the problem will be "how to feed my kids what I grow". That would be an interesting battle...lol.
That's all for an update. I will not be posting much here until we do things in our garden. Wish me luck with the raise beds. I think I will like because I don't have to squat to weeds them.
I Harvested Some Carrots
They almost look like radishes or beets with the shapes. I will try again next year and I shall not give up...lol.
Time To Appreciate
My top EC droppers for the month of October. Any words are not enough to say how much I thank all of you.
After The Snow Storm
I have learn something new about vegetables. Broccoli, pak choy, carrots, rapunzel can survive snows. Yup, I just found out after the storm we had about a few weeks ago. I went to my garden after a week it happened and see for yourself.

This is what is left of my pak choy. I have so much seeds, some are big and fertile and the other are tiny and the looks of it will never grow from them.
I don't have a pictures of the carrots but they sure are growing big. My garden is filled with so much weeds now. I pulled one of my sweet potatoes but turn out to be yams. They biggest one is as big as my thumb. I'm not really sure if they will still grow because the leaves are dead from the snow get got.
Hubby wanted to mix the soil but they are still too wet. Maybe we will do it when the ground is frozen, at least it's dry and hard...:)).
This is what is left of my pak choy. I have so much seeds, some are big and fertile and the other are tiny and the looks of it will never grow from them.
Hubby wanted to mix the soil but they are still too wet. Maybe we will do it when the ground is frozen, at least it's dry and hard...:)).
Pak Choy,
Rabe Broccoli,
Sweet Potato
Gourd (Repost)
Can you see four gourds here. Yes, and that is only from one vine. First year with this gourd was very nice, then it went downhill because of the weather. Not enough warm months from where I am.
This was taken three years ago when my gourd had plenty of fruits. My father was so surprise when he saw that we got so much.
This one was the old fashion ones that came from back home. I still prefer the mini ones because with the big ones I had to eat it all week long. That is just too much for one single person.

An Update
My peaches fell off the tree because of the strong wind. DH only found two of them and now I can't find the seed/pits that I tried drying outside. I think the wind blow it somewhere else.
I even tried locating where I put it to dry but no luck. Hopefully I can get some pits next year. They are small than the ones I can see at the local market. However, I guess that's there regular considering I do not put anything but all natural soil.
I even tried locating where I put it to dry but no luck. Hopefully I can get some pits next year. They are small than the ones I can see at the local market. However, I guess that's there regular considering I do not put anything but all natural soil.
Peaches Update
For Your Information
I will start accepting EC ads again starting this Saturday 9/26. The widget will be open until 10/3 for the same price of 2ec a day. I wish I can let everyone to place an ad for free but I have no control over the management. However, I can sent you back your 2ec if you want.
All ads will be approve on 10/4, please don't be alarm if you don't see your adverts getting approve the day you place them.
All ads will be approve on 10/4, please don't be alarm if you don't see your adverts getting approve the day you place them.
Peaches This Year

Anyway, DH drag me out there yesterday and show me that they are getting big. I agree they are pretty much noticeable now. We have to prune the tree when the leaves falls because it is tall and we can't reach the top of it anymore. I am also looking on buying some other fruit trees this fall.
Nothing Much
This is the end of my garden for this year. I already stopped weeding and now trying to let some seeds matured for next year seeds. My carrots are starting to die because the ground is plain too wet for them. I pulled a few of them this weekend and they are starting to rot under the ground.
I am hoping for warmer temperature, less rain next year and hopefully I can start early. My okra/lady finger are trying to fruit and they are only a foot tall. Lucky I still have some seeds from last year.
I can't even get some sweet potato tops because the temperature already made the leaves very hard, even if I cook them longer than I usually do. How I wish I live in the tropic in this situations.
I am hoping for warmer temperature, less rain next year and hopefully I can start early. My okra/lady finger are trying to fruit and they are only a foot tall. Lucky I still have some seeds from last year.
I can't even get some sweet potato tops because the temperature already made the leaves very hard, even if I cook them longer than I usually do. How I wish I live in the tropic in this situations.
My Garden's Update
My Vegetable Garden,
Rabe Broccoli,
Pak Choy
This week update of my vegetable garden. This is my Pak Choy flowering, I can definitely have some next year too. See the red arrows, I am pointing to the seeds. Very nice, I'm hoping I can sell some at my local Asian store next year. Crossing my finger.
My Vegetable Garden @ Present
July Top EC Droppers
Update on "my Vegetable Garden"
I Harvested some Pak Choy
Some of my Pak Choy are having flowers already but they are still very tiny. I could use the seeds for next year, and I'm glad they are having flowers. Sad because, this is my very first harvest and it's only enough for myself.

I cooked this with some water, olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper and oyster sauce. DH actually ate two raw leaves and he told me it tasted like grass. I was hoping to get more from it but since we had so much cold temperature they did not thrive well.
I only cut some leaves from the bunch. That is how my mother harvest them back home. We only take the largest leaves or the oldest and save the young ones for later. I sure miss Asian vegetables this year. I don't hardly have any :)

I cooked this with some water, olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper and oyster sauce. DH actually ate two raw leaves and he told me it tasted like grass. I was hoping to get more from it but since we had so much cold temperature they did not thrive well.

The Weeding Begun
This is not even 1/4 of the garden. My hands are hurting because it is so hard pulling those weeds. I have to loosen up the soil before I can take the weeds out.
My Vegetable Garden @ Present
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