Is now located @ Chestnut Ridge Farms since October 2013. Five+ acres of land with one acre tillable for home grown vegetables. If luck permits, I can finally have chickens!
Gardening in Sand
Reduce Garden Cultivation
Herbs Die after Harvest
Planting a Fall/Winter Garden
Nut Drop on Pecans
Using Pepperment
To dry, cut the mint near the base of each stem, tie the stems into bundles using rubber bands at the cut ends. Then hook the rubber bands on bent paper clips and use those as hooks to hang the bundles--hook them onto an ordinary coat hanger, for instance. Hang them in a cool, dark, dry, well ventilated spot until crispy. Then remove the leaves from the stems and store in airtight packages such as jars or zipper bags, again in a cool, dark, dry location. Make sure there is no condensation in the container--that means it is not dry enough yet.
Soak Plants Thoroughly
Whiteflies on Tomatoes
Start with the simplest method first, and if that isn't successful, move on from there. A strong blast of water from the hose often works. Spray underneath leaves where the whiteflies tend to cluster. Do this daily if you notice insects.
Whiteflies are attracted to the color yellow. You can purchase or make yellow "sticky" traps from yellow cardboard smeared with petroleum jelly. They fly to it and get stuck.
Soapy water sprays are another possibility. Use 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons of liquid soap per gallon of water. Use regular, not concentrated soap. Don't use soaps with lemon, as the citric acid can burn plants. Start with the lower amount and work up as needed. Spray as often as needed. As with any spray you might wish to test it on a few leaves first before you treat all your plants. Spray early in the morning before the sun heats up.
Next on my list would be an insecticidal soap spray. The insecticidal soaps are made from plant-derived fatty acids and target soft-bodied insects. Unfortunately, there's really no way you can target the bad guys without at least some effect on the good guys. If you can regularly monitor and tolerate some damage to your plants, over time Mother Nature strikes a balance, with the beneficials coming in to control the bad guys. Healthy, vigorous plants will withstand insect attacks better than weakly growing ones.
Fertilize Sweet Corn
Peppers Spoil Before Ripening
Pruning New Canes On Brambles
You might also refer to the diagrams at the following website because different types of brambles (blackberries, raspberries, etc.) require different methods of pruning for optimum production. http://muextension.missouri.
Big Mushrooms
Harvest Sunflowers
Over 70,000 EntreCard Contest
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If you don't have any opps right now, this is a good idea to join this contest. And other contest as a matter of fact. Follow the links above to join. This is my second contest, hoping to win something.
Wormy Pecans
Storing Potatoes For Winter Use
Update On Philippine Corn

Harvesting Blueberries
Philippine Corn

Protect Basil
To get the best basil crop wait until the soil has warmed to 65F to plant. Basil is very susceptible to chilling; if the weather's too cool, the leaves will brown and the plants wilt.
Cooking with Broccoli Raab and Relatives
Bean Pests
Be sure to clean up bean plant debris right after harvest so adults won't have a place to hide. Plant beans early to avoid attack, and try growing a variety of plants to attract predacious wasps and assassin bugs, both of which eat Mexican bean beetles. Since beans are self-pollinating, you can cover the plants with fabric row cover to create a barrier agains the beetles.
As a last resort, spray plants weekly with an organic pesticide such as neem. Make sure to spray the undersides of leaves as well.
Gourd (Upo)
Roma/Plum Tomatoes

I will try to can some of these tomatoes this year. This would be my first time doing it. I went to WalMart yesterday trying to find some preserve jars but no luck. Not only that but they moved everything around and I don't know where everything are. Will try BJ's tomorrow for the jars.

Long/Yard Beans (Sitaw)

Squash (Kalabasa)

I think I will pick this one next weekend. I'm not sure how to tell if they are ready to be pick. I just have to take my chances then.
I edited this post because I was waiting for the gourd to change color. At first I thought this was pumpkins but DH and I keep waiting for it to change color but never did. So we figure this is actually a squash. I can't tell by the seeds. They all look the same, the pumpkins and gourd/squash.


Here are my okra this year. The leaves got attacked by Japanese beetles this year. I could not spray it with anything because I'm scared of chemicals getting in them. I was also surprised because this kind of okra got branches. The one I planted last year is straight. I guess my seeds is not the original from Philippines. I should ask my parents to send me some before spring next year.
Bell Peppers
Root Crops
Harvesting Tomatillos
Blight on Pole Beans
Growing Decorative Gourds
Travel To 7 Continents
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Avoid Bug Zappers
Removing Suckers on Tomato Plants
Suckering is the process of removing the side shoots that grow from the node where a leaf attaches to the tomato vine. There are many different techniques. One method is to allow three suckers to develop into strong stems. Then keep pinching new suckers that form to encourage the plant to put its energy into fruit production.
Control Brown Rot on Peaches
Something Eating Beet Roots

You're probably seeing the work of voles, also known as meadow mice or meadow voles. They grow to about 7 inches and nest in shallow underground burrows, sometimes taking over abandoned mole tunnels. They usually feed at or just below ground level. Their favorite foods include bulbs, tender veggies, flowers, grass and bark.
Trellis Peas
Planting Between Corn Rows
Both corn and pumpkins are heavy feeders, so you may want to add extra compost and/or a slow-release fertilizer at planting time.
Cage Tomatoes
Thin Fruits
Control Citrus Thrips
Dettering Rabbits

Vegetables For Shade
Leafy vegetables display another advantage: they can be picked and enjoyed at any stage of maturity, unlike sun-loving vegetables that must ripen. Yet another advantage to these shade-tolerant plants is their conduciveness to successive plantings. Planted early in the spring, they are ready to enjoy before the intense heat of mid-summer. Planted in mid-to-late summer, they thrive in the cooler days of early fall. Accordingly, they can be used to fill in gaps where summer-harvested vegetables have been picked, or even planted to take advantage of shade created by adjacent larger plants. One leafy vegetable, spinach, can be planted in mid-September, allowed to overwinter, and harvested earlier in the spring than if it were spring-seeded.
Start Sweet Peas

I borrowed picture from here.
Before planting nick sweet pea seeds with a nail file, soak them in warm water overnight, and then plant seeds five inches deep. As seedlings grow, hill up soil around them for support.
From ArnaMax Publishing.
Companion Flowers to Attract Beneficial Insects
Nutrients For Tomatoes
It really depends on the state of your soil. If the pH is off, the plants don't get the right amount of moisture, or the soil is compact or low in organic matter, extra fertilizer may increase yields, but then, it might not. The only way to know for sure is to have your soil tested once a year before you add fertilizer. That way you can avoid nutrient imbalances that can interfere with growth and yields, and can actually save yourself the trouble of buying, hauling, and applying fertilizer that your plants already have plenty of in the soil.
Generally, though, tomatoes require quite a large food supply over the season. You are on the right track thinking that potassium and phosphorous will help with fruit set and fruit health; steer clear of fertilizers with a very high nitrogen content. Too much nitrogen results in tall, dark green plants with few tomatoes. Tomatoes can benefit from a side dressing of fertilizer a few times throughout the growing season.
Generally, this side dressing is applied when the first tomatoes have just formed and every three weeks after that. When side dressing apply the fertilizer by making a circular furrow approximately 5 to 6 inches away from the main stem of the tomato, or in a trough alongside a row of plants. Work the fertilizer into the top 1 to 2 inches of the soil. The next rain or watering will carry the fertilizer to the root zone of the tomatoes. Consult your soil test and the fertilizer label to determine how much to apply.
From ArcaMax Publishing Home and Garden.
Spring of 2007

I have so much Okra and tomatoes this year. My sitaw, eggplant and bell pepper fruits very little. I had a good harvest with Philippines corns too. They are not very long but they still taste like home. I planted yams/sweet potato/camote and enjoyed the green tops very well. They fruited but it didn't get as big because the cold weather came so fast.