This property is located half hour south west of us. It sits across from a golf course and the house is well hidden at the back where the tress are. It has a little brook that I bet get enough water when raining to run a wheel to power the house.
In addition, it has one detach big garage with power and fire place. One summer kitchen that looks like a barn (run down of course) where I can make my soaps and combing my yarns. Self sufficient here we come. I wish, the realtor agent hasn't get back to us yet. We have a feeling that it's not for sale anymore...sigh:(
The front clear part is perfect for an orchard. The clearing on top will be our farm. Ahhh, not to mention the goats, sheep, chickens, and cow that we can have. Ahh, self sufficient...on 14 acres.
OK, I am dreaming. We need to contact the agents again, first. The perimeter I drew is less than 14 acres. Maybe it touches the other farm behind the property, we will find out as soon as we speak to someone.
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